Thursday, January 24, 2008

Big News!!!

CALEB LOST HIS FIRST TOOTH!!!! He had 2 teeth come in BEHIND his baby teeth. They came to be known as his shark teeth (because of the multiple rows of teeth, get it?) Anyway, he was so excited that the tooth fairy found him here in Italy. That brilliant tooth fairy!!!

After-Dinner Floor Show

Over the Christmas holiday we had Martina (one of Blake's boss's - she's the General Manager of Terex-Comedil Cranes here in Italy) and her husband Pigi and daughter Simona for dinner. It cracked us up to see Martina sliding across the floor with the kids. She's the biggest kid of all!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2007

These are just pictures of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

Christmas Season 2007

The pictures here are of diffent occasions before Christmas. In Europe, the follow a tradition called Nikolaus. All the kids have to clean their shoes REALLY well on the night of December 5. If they do, St. Nikolaus comes that night and leaves kids presents and toys....thus the shoe pictures. There are also pictures of Cameron at his school Christmas performance and Blake and I at his work party.